Applications currently closed.
TechLabs in a Nutshell
We dream of a world of Digital Shapers. Individuals seeking to make a change. Talents that want to have an impact. There are many of such ambitious people today. However, not everyone has the technical skillset to translate their inspiring ideas into reality. TechLabs wants to change that. With our Digital Shapers Program, we aim to educate people around the globe in the fields of Data Analytics, Web Development, Artificial Intelligence, and UX. After enhancing their digital skillset with one of our tracks, our Techies will form teams and engage projects to apply their knowlede - of course with the guidance of our skilled mentors.
Lisbon – the innovative South
With its vibrant charm that can be felt within its narrow alleys and hilly roads, Lisbon is an attractive city to visit. However, the city does not only attract travellers from all over the world: In recent years, the city has become a melting pot where young innovators, courageous entrepreneurs, digital nomads and talented students meet. The colourful city and the diversity in nationalities in Portugal’s capital offer the perfect breeding ground for creative ideas and new businesses, thereby forming an ecosystem in which new digital solutions emerge continuously.
With highly recognized universities such as Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Universidade Catolica (Lisboa), ISG, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa and many more, the city has become one of the most prominent talent factories of Southern Europe. Yet, a lot of potential lies dormant in the bright young minds in terms of their digital skills.
With TechLabs Lisbon we want to contribute to the development of Lisbon to become one of Europe’s Tech Capitals. Our free programm is designed to give ambitious minds the necessary digital skill set to shape the future of our planet.
Our Program
Our Digital Shapers Program follows a blended-learning concept which combines Online Learning, Project Work, and TechLabs Community Events. Students can choose to engage in our tracks Data Science, Web Development or Artificial Intelligence. Besides working on thrilling topics and projects however, TechLabs Lisbon wants to provide more: A Community of highly ambitious, technological-skilled individuals in which ideas can flow, creativity is fostered and change is created.
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