Applications currently closed.
Moin World!
Hamburg is - according to the Economist annual ranking - Germany’s most liveable city. Located at the Elbe river, it's friendlier and less hectic than other German spots, a great international environment and a lovely place for living at the same time. Hamburg is starting to get a name for itself as a digital tech hub and innovation centre. The HafenCity quarter is the centre of many digital initiatives and start-ups.
Why TechLabs Hamburg?
We at TechLabs Hamburg dream of a world with no digital illiterates. A world full of tech-savvy individuals who approach the challenges of our time with a digital and entrepreneurial mindset. In order to achieve this, we aim to turn as many young people as possible into Digital Shapers, and teach them the skills they need tomorrow.
Learn Data Science, Deep Learning , Web Development and User Experience Design by means of our pioneering Digital Shaper program.
It combines online learning, project work as well as community events at one of our locations- and that completely free for everyone! You are welcome - regardless of your prior level of knowledge. We Build. Digital. Shapers.
Our Program.
So what can you expect? Our program provides you with the most effective way to build domain knowledge in the tech sphere. Our blended-learning concept combines Online Learning, Project Work, and TechLabs Community Events. Discover our program now.
Data Science
In the Data Science track you will learn basic coding skills in Python and apply them directly to Data Science tasks — from data import to data preparation and visualization to building advanced machine learning models for classification and Web Development
Deep Learning
In the Deep Learning track you will learn about the possibilities of current DL-techniques, attain Python skills, and build first image recognition applications.
User Experience
The User Experience is made up of a person’s perception and response resulting from the use or even just the anticipated use of a product, system, or service. Therefore, UX Design is the process of understanding the user to iteratively improve the usability, accessibility and pleasure while interacting with the product. In short: Your job is it to make a user enjoy your product.
Further information
For further information please make sure to check out our FAQÂ area and/or visit our Info-Session (check out the calender at the top).
Projects examples
If you want to see what the TechLabs Hamburg students in previsous cohorts have accomplished, just visit our Medium Blog.
Stay connected
Our TechLabs semester usually starts in April (summer term) and October (Winter term). You can also subscribe to our newsletter for exact application dates and other updates.
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